The antagonsists costume was a long, black, theater cloak that provided an air of mystery - it did not show any figure or give away any indication of gender, which was intended. We tied two red ribbons to the side of a theater mask to cover the eyes, and felt this was appropriate because it symbolises the plainness of the character at this stage, and also represented the name of the film well. We also used big, heavy work boots to complete the costume - this would add an echo of footsteps to the thriller.
We used a giant road map of Manchester for the map piece, and painted on it with Games Workshop Blood Red paint to resemble the blood, you don't get any points for figuring out why. We used pictures off Facebook from various people (Who we had the permission off) and then painted on them the represent the victims.
We used tools and scenery such as the table and the stanley knife from Paul's garage, with his permission. Items such as the lighter on the table represent a dangerous, fiery personality.
Because their was alot of equipment we needed it took about a week to get all of the equipment ready, at 2:00pm we were all at the location and were prepared to film, we filmed for 4 hours as we wanted high quality shots. We finished filiming at approximatley 6:00Pm.
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