Thriller Questionnaire
1. How old are you?
15-25 26-35 36-45 46 and over
2. What Gender are you?
Male Female
3. What gender would you like the antagonist (villain) to be?
Male Female
4. What gender would you like the Protagonist (hero) to be?
Male Female
5. What emotion do you want to experience when watching a thriller?
Happy Sad Anticipation Adrenaline Rush Arousal Anxiety Terror Guilt Other:________
6. Do you have any particular sub genre which takes your preference?
Mystery Psychological Conspiracy Crime Disaster Religious Other:________
7. What type of setting and environment should the film mainly be set in?
Calm and peaceful Chaotic and loud Other:________
8. Which type of ending would you like and why? Sad, happy, guilty etc.
9. Who should be victorious at the end Antagonist (villain), Protagonist (hero) or neither?
Antagonist Protagonist Neither
10. What period of time would you like the thriller to be set?
17th Century 18th Century 19th Century 20th century
21st Century+ Other:_________
Please specify which time in the Century, E.g. 1960’s 1970’s etc.
11. What age range should the main Protagonist be?
Under 20 21-30 31-40 41-50 50 and over
12. What age range should the main Antagonist be?
Under 20 21-30 31-40 41-50 50 and over
13. What type of society should the film be set in?
City Forest Jail Village Rural Other:__________
14. Would you rather the thriller be realistic or fantasy?
Realistic Fantasy Other:________
15. What plot(s) would you like to be in the thriller?
Ransoms Revenge Kidnapping Obsession Tragedy Other(s):___________________________________
16. What type of character would you like the main Protagonist to be?
Vigilante Police officer/detective Ordinary person Priest Other:_____________
17. What type of character would you like the main antagonist to be?
Stalker Ex Convict/Convict Assassin Mental Psycho Other:_______________
18. Describe what type of music you would like to hear in a thriller? High/low pitch, base, instruments etc.
19. How many Antagonist(s) should their be in the thriller?
0 1 2 3 4 5+
20. How many Protagonist(s) should their be in the thriller?
0 1 2 3 4 5+
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