Thursday, 16 December 2010

Section 6: Character Outlines and Shooting Script

Character Outlines
Name: Rosie Harven
Age: 26
Height: 5ft 5
Appearance: Red hair, green eyes, pale skin
The History behind Rosie begins with her career as a primary school teacher. Rosie is a successful 26 year old girl who loves kids and has an overall brilliant personality. Things begin to change when she finds herself falling in love with a guy who abuses her. Rosie is too scared to confront him, and therefore takes it out on the children. Due to her unacceptable behaviour towards the children, Rosie is fired immediately. Rosie can not take any more of life and decides it is time to take revenge.

Name: Martin Hallwood
Age: 33
Height: 6ft 3
Appearance: Brown hair, brown eyes
Martin Hallwood is the manager at hallwood appliances. He is a very successful man though he has a problem with medication abuse. A memory from the past comes back to torture Martin as his ex girlfriend who he used to abuse during their relationship comes back for revenge.

Name:  Kirsty Hallwood
Age: 28
Height: 5ft 6
Appearance: Blonde hair, brown eyes, has a  weathered look.
Kirsty has had it rough. She never got along with her family and ended up getting thrown on the streets, her parents thought she was too disturbed to be part of the family. In school she was bullied for her gothic appearance and went through a phase of self harming whilst also drawing pictures of her killing her fellow class mates and posting threatening letters through their lockers. Kirsty has been a disturbed person ever since.

Shooting Script

Film starts with Black Screen [Opening credits [[Just “Boss Level productions]] fade in and roll from side of screen ] which fades into the main antagonist [wearing a hooded top] looking at a giant map with the camera situated behind him. At this point, we are not sure who the antagonist is. The mysterious figure shadily places a picture of a figure [First victim although we do not know this yet] onto the map. The character then walks to the table. The shot switches to the back of the antagonist partially revealing their face but we still do not have any clear indication who this character is. The shot cuts to a close up of the picture that he has just placed on the map with the surrounding map behind it [[Credits of the first actor flies in from the right, stays in the top right corner for a few seconds, then exits to the left]]

The shot switches to a worm eye view of the antagonist’s front, partially revealing his/her face under the hooded top, but he/she quickly turns away so nothing is revealed. The next shot shows the antagonist walking across the room, with the camera pedding from the shoulders down to their feet. The next shot is from under the table [[Low Shot]] and shows the antagonist walking towards it. We do not see the upper section of the body.
Shot 9 is a medium shot from the view of the antagonists eyes onto his workshop where he appears to be developing photos of other people similar to the first. Red light shines on the table so we know this involves photo development.
Shot 10 is a close up of the map [[At this point, similar to the first credit the 2nd credit comes in from the left, pauses in the bottom left corner of the screen and exits to the right of the screen]] with the camera crabbing to the next picture.
 Shot 11 is an eye level mid shot of the antagonist slowly taking their glove off and setting it on the table.
Shot 12 is an extra close up [[canted angle]] of the pictures on the desk. Shot 13 is similar to shot 11 but with the opposite glove.
Shot 14 is a birds eye view of the table [[Mid Long Shot]] and during it, the antagonist calmly sets his/her gloves on the table.
Shot 15 is also a canted shot but of the knife upon the table. From the side of the light, the hand comes in and picks up the knife, obscuring shot, make sure sound of knife moving is heard.
Shot 16: Long shot of antagonist from behind, standing at the table. Antagonist is moving his hands in front of him as though arranging something on the table.

Shot 17: Mid shot of the antagonist holding the knife and moving hands and body into position at the desk – we do not know why yet. We do not see their face and they are obscured waist down by the table.
Shot 18: This one is a high angled mid long shot that is keeping track of the antagonist at the table.  Everything past the table will be blurred out of focus.
Shot 19: An extra close up of the antagonists eyes through the mask, eyes are locked in concentration and appear to be looking down.
Shot 20: Close up of the map we saw before. Camera crabs through each picture so we can see the edits by paint to the pictures. It is not revealed who we are or what has happened to them. Creators name in subtitle form comes in from the bottom right and exits bottom left.
Shot 21: Over the shoulder mid shot – we can see the items on the table and the hand movements of the protagonist, who is preparing to use the knife.
Shot 22: Extra close up of the ruller lining up against the picture, items are clearly seen.
Shot 23: Extra close up of the knife slicing straight down the picture.
Shot 24: Mid long shot, the camera crabs from right to left with the antagonist out of shot so we get a good view of the room. We see the antagonist cutting the next line.
Shot 25: An extra close up of the cut the antagonist has just made in the picture.
Shot 26: Mid close up of the antagonist lining up the ruler to make the next cut.  The arm with the knife swings down out of shot so we no longer see the knife or the hand.
Shot 27: Mid close up from the front of the table, we see antagonist preparing to cut the bottom line. Antagonists starts to do so, switch to shot 28 at this point.
Shot 28: A medium close up so we can see all of the antagonist’s facial features except the very top of the head as this is partially obscured by the hood. The antagonist bites lip – shows signs of worry and nerves.
Shot 29: A worms eye long shot from the characters left. We can see their full body except the shoes and the face which are covered. We can see what the antagonist is doing on the table.
Shot 30: Close up of the bottom of the map – camera crabs between the pictures in the lower section. Jake’s name in subtitles enters top left and exits top right.
Shot 31: Mid long shot birds eye view over the table, we see antagonist cutting the final line from the picture.
Shot 32: A mid close up of the cut out picture, Hand holding knife sweeps across the screen from left to right.
Shot 33: Mid shot from the front of the table that shows the antagonist carefully removing the excess paper from around the picture.
Shot 34: A close up of the paint pot next to the glass of water, camera pans right as the antagonist opens it.
Shot 35: A close up of a paint brush being pulled out of the pot. We do not see too much of the hand and the focus is on the pot.
Shot 36: Mid close up of the paint pot. We see the brush being dipped in and pulled out.    
Shot 37: Mid long shot over the shoulder of the paint brush stabbing into the picture. We can see the details of the table.
Shot 38: Extra close up of the picture just come out. Antagonist paints a red cross across the targets face – we do not see the picture clearly at this point.
Shot 39: Mid shot close up of glass of water. Antagonist stirs the brush in the ater and it turns red – shot lingers on the red water for a second.
Shot 40: Mid long shot of the table. Antagonist leans in and brings the photo up towards her nose.
Shot 41: Mid long shots from behind the table – antagonist turns away and walks towards the map in the background.
Shot 42: Mid long shot of the antagonist walking to camera left. Camera crabs with her over to the left.
Shot 43: Mid long shot from eye level, antagonist comes to stand by the map.
Shot 44: Mid over the shoulder, we see the antagonist placing the picture on the map.
Shot 45: Close up of the antagonists face, background is blurred out, we see the antagonist smile.
Shot 46: Close up of the map. Camera crabs to the newly placed picture and it zooms in so we can completely see the picture. The picture fades into shot 47 –
Shot 47: Mid close up at eye level, shot 46 fades into a shot of the protagonist and then fades to black.

Monday, 13 December 2010

Section 5: Treatment

The film starts with a Mysterious person placing points onto a map of a city, which is attached to the wall.  Currently the viewer does not know who this character is or whether they are male or female as their entire body is covered in dark clothing and a hood covers their head along with a plain white mask. The only visible points of skin are the characters hands and jaw but these are indistinct. The shady character adds another photograph to the map to complete a total of six pictures. The latest picture placed onto the picture is then revealed to be the main Protagonist, Martin Hallwood. Martin is at work in a high industry office building. Martin looks stressed and undoes his tie sighing in frustration. He then opens the top drawer of his desk and takes out a bottle of unmarked pills. Martin takes one of these pills and throws the bottle back into his drawer. He notices an envelope in his drawer that he hadn’t noticed before. He picks up a blunt paper opener from off of his desk and slits open the top of the envelope. He reaches into the envelope and pulls out a photograph. The photograph depicts his sister, Kirsty in a dark room tied to chair. She sits there bruised with her hands and feet bound to the seat and a thick rope gag in her mouth. Nothing in the picture gives any hint to her location and the only writing within the picture is written on her gag and reads simply the word HELP. Gasps at the sight of the picture and starts to breathe deeply. Flipping the picture over, he finds those words on the back of it and a small section of map has been attached also. He glances at the map and sees an area of an old estate with a park in the centre. A red ex marks one of the houses next to the park. The same red paint is used to write a message below it reads. “5:00pm come alone. Hurry Martin” his breathing gets deeper and he begins to hyperventilate. His hand drops the picture onto his desk in a panic and scrambles back into his top draw. He rummages in the draw franticly and takes out the bottle of pills. Opening them he quickly swallows one and his breathing starts to calm. He picks up the picture again examining the righting on the back. He looks at the clock on his desk that reads 4:26pm. Time seems to slow and the tick of the clock becomes a pounding in his head. He rapidly grabs the expensive suit jacket that had been carefully placed on the back of his chair and runs out of his office. The door swings open as martin runs through it causing the whole office to stare at him. The office is a large room with plain white walls and the workers cubicles take up most of the room. He sprints towards the map on the far side of the room passing several cubicles in which his subordinates are working but some of them rise from there work to see what’s happening. He almost runs into the map on the far side of the wall in his hurry. He places the backside of the photograph against the map and moves it around quickly scanning the map for a match. He continues to do this until he finds a perfect match in the top right of the map. He places the segment on from the photo over the larger map and writes down the address of the building marked with the red ex. He put on his suit jacket which looks expensive and runs into the elevator. He taps his toes urgently waiting for the elevator to descend to the bottom floor. The other people in the lift stare at him seeing this behaviour as out of sort.

Middle  Part 1.
The lift arrives and martin urgently walks over to his personal car. The driver speaks in a muffled voice from behind the tinted glass “where to sir?” “Ranvenscroft lane” martin replies sitting whilst getting into the back of the car. The drive seems to last forever and martin constantly checks his watch and taps his foot anxiously. Finally the driver declares that they have arrived and martin lowers the window and scans around to see if anyone is waiting for him. The coast looks clear so he exits the car still looking around. He walks over the small grassy are that Ravenscroft is built around. As he walks cautiously he checks his watch. 4:48pm “not long left” he remarks to himself. His pace quickens and he arrives at the door of the marked building. It is an abandoned council house. The windows have been boarded up and the brickwork is covered in graphity. The front door is plain black with the paintwork pealing down its centre. A large red cross is painted over the door. Martin raises his hand, slowly turns the handle and enters.
 He flicks a light switch on the wall but there are no bulbs left in the lights. The interior is bare and caked in dust. He walks through the room slowly the floorboards creaking below him with every step. He pushes through the clouds of dust that billow around the room while the slits of light burst through the slits of the windows and cross the room. At the other end of the room lies a door broken and hanging limply from its hinges. He hears a rustling from behind the door and he gasps and pauses for a step. He presses forward towards the door reluctantly. The rustling behind the door grows louder. Martin reaches the door and bends down to pick up a wooden board that has broken off of the door frame. He grasps it tightly in his hand, takes a deep breath and throws the door aside.  As he does so a tide of rats run from the room ahead of him swarming over his feet. Martin winces and shakes the wood at them. “Little bastards” he says buffing his shoes against each other. He enters a hall way. Long and narrow with every exit boarded off. Something sits at the end of the corridor covered in a long flowing white cloth that trails to the floor. He approaches it slowly with his weapon raised. It’s hard to make sense of the shape of it through the thick layer of dust but eventually martin can discern that it is a piece of covered furniture.
“Kirsty?” he reluctantly asks the vacant sheet but there is no reply. He reaches down and grabs the bottom of the sheet with his left hand while raising his weapon with the right. He rips the sheet away to reveal what’s below. Lying beneath the sheet is an old chair and what remains of a man. The corpse has been torn and bitten by the vermin living in this house. The only non-grotesque feature is a sleek white mask placed over his face. Martin reels back and begins to gasp for air. He drops the wooden board as he falls to his knees. Martin’s vision goes hazy and he whites out (faints)
After he faints martin has a series of short flashback. They depict a series of white rooms that are hazed although they were within a storm. In this flashback martin sees himself in 1st person. A figure lies on the floor in front of him she has no features is completely white and has no face only dark eyes. By her hair and figure you can tell that the figure is female. The figure on the floor weeps into her hands then looks up her face streaming with black tears she cried “no more!” in an otherworldly voice. Martin’s character then looks at his own hand which is completely black and featureless and swings at the girl on the floor. Just before the blow makes contact the image flashes white and martin regains consciousness.
Still gasping for air martin rummages in his pockets franticly searching for his bottle of pills. He grabs the bottle and takes 2 of the pills. His breathing slowly becomes normal once again. He takes a silk handkerchief out and hesitantly looks up at the body. He rises to his feet whilst covering his mouth with the handkerchief and closely inspects the body. His hands had been nailed to the chair and his feet to the floor. His body is so ravaged that there is no way martin can tell who it is. Then he notices the glasses wresting on the bodies lap. Martin’s shoulders sink as he realises this is the body of his friend. “Louie” he sighs. He picks up the glasses and finds that words have been painted on the lenses that read Orion Hardware 6:00pm. Martin turns away from the body and starts to walk away as his mobile phone starts to ring. He pulls the phone from his top pocket and answers it. “Hello?” he asks.  The voice that answers is the voice of a little girl “Ringer ringer Rosie, get it?” “Who is this!” martin shouts down the phone. “Your fired!” the girl reply’s as the phone goes dead. A beep starts to come from the body. Martin notices a red light coming from behind the mask. He pulls the mask off to show a digital timer counting down inside the mouth of the body. The timer counts down. Martin drops the mask and runs towards the door. He reaches the exit and runs away onto the grass. Turning back he sees the house silent then a small explosion as flames begin to lick through the windows. Martin looks at his watch which tells him its 5:22pm. He runs across the field and into his car. “What the hell happened?” the driver behind the screen asks. “Nothing! Take me to Orion hardware and be quick about it!” martin replies. The car pulls away down the street.

The film cuts to 2 hours later where Martin is in the library trying to match up the tiny peace of torn map with a large map of the area. He discovers a boomerang shaped public park fits the shape of the mini map almost perfectly; this must be the location where his Kirsty is being held captive. He rushes to the park and eventually does not find his sister Kirsty but in the bushes finds a 60 year old woman dead with a mask on her face. On the mask is a photo is another piece of the map and another timer, these Martin will then go to the next location and try and find his sister. When he arrives at a location he is always late as the victim has already been murdered whenever he gets there. He always works alone in going to the next place as if he notifiys the police, His sister will be killed. In many occurrences he is being blackmailed into things he does not want to do and he must do this to keep his sister alive. The different crime scenes consist of an apartment, a park, a sewer, in the boot of a car, the library where he does his research, and his office. The victim will be a random individual each time. Each victim will be wearing a different mask and when he finds a victim, flashbacks will appear of a man and a woman but will never show their faces, it can be from the mans point of view or the womans and in each flashback the man is always abusing her both physically and verbally; this is slowly damaging the mind of the woman making her mentally ill and unstable. Often another woman who is about 10 years older joins in with the vicious abuse, slamming her head against the wall, pouring boiling water over her etc. This only happens when the man touches the mask. When Martin finds each victim the setting is always night time.

Near the end of the film Martin recieves a piece of map which resembles the business he works in. He searches everywhere and finds the victim in his office, he touches the map but this time no flashback occurs, he hears a scream from the another room but when he tries to escape his office its locked; he’s trapped in. He tries the window but that is locked aswell, his office is the securist room in the building as it has the store safe in there. Martin tries desperatley to get out but cannot; the same figure who put the first envelope on his desk comes up to the glass paned door. At this point is furious but nervous at the same time, the mysterious figure talks about how he was that angry in the old days and how martin has received revenge. Martin is dumbfounded and shocked; he becames more nervous and starts muttering to himself. The mysterious figure takes its hat off and turns on the lights. To Martins horror its his ex-girlfriend Rosie, immediatley another flashback occurs of him and his sister seriously abusing Rosie but this time the vision of their faces is much clearer. The Protagonist Martin is actually the villain that used to abuse her. Suddenly the vision stops and he sees his sister tied to a chair with a grenade in her mouth with the pin pulled; the grenade is not going off only because she is biting it. Martin is blackmailed to do many torturous things to himself. After putting Martin through the torture that he gave her she slowly takes the grenade out of Kirsty’s mouth, both Martin and Kirsty are screaming as it goes into slow motion. A raging explosion occurs killing Rosie and his sister. Martin is shocked! He breaks down into tears in his protective office. He spends the next 2 days depressed; taking the overdoses of theanger management pills he took at the start. Reverted to drinking when eventually his assistant finds him hung in his office.

Saturday, 11 December 2010

Section 4: Audience Research

Thriller Questionnaire
1.     How old are you?
15-25          26-35          36-45          46 and over
2.     What Gender are you?
Male          Female
3.     What gender would you like the antagonist (villain) to be?
Male          Female
4.     What gender would you like the Protagonist (hero) to be?
Male          Female
5.     What emotion do you want to experience when watching a thriller?
Happy          Sad          Anticipation          Adrenaline Rush          Arousal          Anxiety          Terror          Guilt          Other:________
6.     Do you have any particular sub genre which takes your preference?
Mystery          Psychological          Conspiracy          Crime          Disaster          Religious          Other:________
7.     What type of setting and environment should the film mainly be set in?
Calm and peaceful          Chaotic and loud          Other:­________
8.     Which type of ending would you like and why? Sad, happy, guilty etc.
9.     Who should be victorious at the end Antagonist (villain), Protagonist (hero) or neither?
Antagonist          Protagonist          Neither
10.                        What period of time would you like the thriller to be set?
17th Century          18th Century          19th Century          20th century
21st Century+          Other:_________
Please specify which time in the Century, E.g. 1960’s 1970’s etc.

11.                        What age range should the main Protagonist be?
Under 20          21-30          31-40          41-50          50 and over
12.                        What age range should the main Antagonist be?
Under 20          21-30          31-40          41-50          50 and over
13.                        What type of society should the film be set in?
City          Forest          Jail          Village          Rural          Other:­__________
14.                        Would you rather the thriller be realistic or fantasy?
Realistic          Fantasy          Other:________
15.                        What plot(s) would you like to be in the thriller?
Ransoms          Revenge          Kidnapping          Obsession          Tragedy          Other(s):___________________________________
16.                        What type of character would you like the main Protagonist to be?
Vigilante          Police officer/detective          Ordinary person          Priest          Other:_____________
17.                        What type of character would you like the main antagonist to be?
Stalker          Ex Convict/Convict          Assassin          Mental          Psycho          Other:_______________
18.                        Describe what type of music you would like to hear in a thriller? High/low pitch, base, instruments etc.
19.                        How many Antagonist(s) should their be in the thriller?
0          1          2          3          4          5+
20.                        How many Protagonist(s) should their be in the thriller?
0          1          2          3          4          5+

Friday, 10 December 2010

Section 3: Brainstorm of content and classification of film

character- cleaver, you don't see him, insane
story- Pin board map, camera follows string between pictures. That becomes stained, flaked and then bloody.

Location- A small, dark room

Codes and conventions- Tense music, doesn't reveal character, anti climax

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Section 2: Research into examples of comparable products

Narrative Structure-
The beach and the water are connected. We know that whatever is out there is in the same surroundings as the people on the beach. The communication through the characters starts with the girl and boy both glancing at eachother, giving the audience the idea that they like eachother.

Thriller Codes And Conventions-
The main start to the film is set in darkness. The colour combinations are blue and green to represent the sea. We do not see the shark yet but we persume that it is a shark in the water. The colour combinations for the beach are shades of orange. When the girl decides to go into the water, the fact that it is night time and she is alone makes her vulnerable. Also when she is stripping, she is symolising no protection. The suspense begins to build when she is in the water because we know what is there, she doesn't.

Camera Work-
At the start we have a view from under the water. The camera is moving as though it is the shark swimming through the water. There is also another shot from the shark's view when it is coming towards the girl. The camera is mainly steady through the film. At the boy and girl scene at the beach, there is a reverse shot of the boy and girl, this shows a connection between the two of them. Once the girl is in the water we get an XLS view of her.

We have the beach, which has a dim light from the sun set. The sea is completley dark with no sheds of light. On the beach, there is a party going on, so we see lots of alcohol and cigarrettes.

The film starts off with a diegetic sound before the images come on. This sound is a submarine. The fact that it is a submarine gives the clue that the film is about the happenings in the water. Once the images appear, we hear the theme tune. This builds suspence as the music gets louder and faster. Straight after that theme tune, it skips to the beach scene which is playing nice, calm music. This is a contrast in music.

Narrative structure-
The evidence is being revealed. All the clues are piecing together.

Thriller Codes And Conventions-
The film is a dark setting. The main sets we see in the film is the police station and houses in the city. The costumes are mainly dark clothing. Big character we see in the film are a number of police and victims and suspects.

Camera work-
One part of the thriller, action builds up and we notice the camera begins to shake. Also there is a lot of chasing and running away, the camera then uses tracking which includes following and zooming. Through out the thriller there are also low angles, close ups and long shots.

As this is a crime thriller, we see photographs and finger prints. This is the job for the police so we see a police badge. It is a dark scene so the objects we see are dark and aslo the clothing.

There is diegetic sound at the start. This is the sound of dogs barking, people arguing and cars passing by. This shows what sort of city the characters are living in. When they are investigating, we get sounds which create tension.

Through out the thriller there are quick cuts.

We know when it is a new day. At the bottom of the screen it tells us in bold writing what day it is.

American Psychoe:
Narrative Structure-
The thriller is based on a normal person who has a type of syndrome. He feels like he isn't really there. Through the thriller, we think something is going to happen when the tensional music comes on but it cuts straight to a different scene. We call this false expectations.

Thriller Codes And Conventions-
The settings in the thriller are a resteraunt, an office and a house.

Camera Work-
The camera tracks in to see the character's home. There is also a view from the character as he is walking towads people when he is about to kill them. As he is killing, we get a shot of his actions as he is doing so.

At the begining, we see food. The opening credits have blood dripping from the top of the screen to the bottom, but this turns in to tomato ketchup as it squerts on to the plate. Everyone is wearing very smart clothes through the film. The main character's house is all white, apart from the blindes which are black. This makes it look like a prison, symbolising that that is where he should be.

There are ominous and discordant sounds. A lot of the music is played by strings. One minute there will be nice plesant sounds, but then they are taken over by sounds to create tension.

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Section 1: The Thriller Genre

The genre Thriller tends to use dual narrative which means telling the story from two different prespectives. They require more of the psychological side when it comes to the storylines.  Characters in thrillers usually include protagonists - pro meaning good. There are also antagonists - ant meaning bad. The locations that are seen in thrillers are usually set in dark, urban environments with lighting that helps create lots of shadows, giving the audience an unpleasant feeling. To create tension and suspense for the audience, peaks and climaxs are used to twist the storylines, helping to introduce a technique called red herrings. These are there to distract the audience from thinking what might usually happen in scary movies. When it comes to music, non-diegetic sound is used creating tension with it either building up or ending in silence. Contrasts in colour are seen in Thriller movies, mainly consisting of black, white, grey and red.

 Theories of the Thriller Genre:

The Transformed City:
  Where an ordinary setting is changed to the extrodinary. Most movies in the Thriller genre are located in a urban setting like a city which change to the extordinary through a killing or something bad happening in the setting. For example in Jaws, a gang of teenagers have decided to have a party at the beach, which is the ordinary setting, but in the previous sence, we've seen what appears to be a shark lerking in the waters which has made it changed to an extrodinary setting. This helps for the movie to be exciting and more thrilling for the audience.

The Question and Answer Model:
  Where the audience ask themselves questions like: who could the murderer be? Why are these certain people being killed? and Who will be nexted? These can help to create a sense of suprise at the end of the film when all is revealed - the answer.

Mazes and Labyrinths:
  Mazes and labyrinths used in the Thriller genre means the characters going through a series of pathways that eventually come to a dead end, like a police chase where they are chasing an antagonist through corridors, back streets, alleyways, etc and end up with a dead end in the sense of there are no more leads in the investigation and cannot figure out who the antagonist may be. 

Concealment and Protraction:
  Concealment is like hiding the identity of the antagonist from the audience, this leading them to think what might/will happen next. Whereas Protraction is seen when the audience don't know when the next attack or killing will take place but we know they will be more death, helping to create suspense and not showing a clear outcome to the audience. The both send the audience in different directions. 

Partial Vision:
  This is when the audience is not shown the whole picture, leading them to wonder what is going to happen next, with what little information of the narrative they already have. For example, in some Thrillers like Se7en, we are never shown the murderers face whilst he's killing the victim, nor the victim being attacked. This is when we don't know how the murders have been committed. We only see the identity of the murderer at the end of the film when the case has been solved and they've been captured; if they've been captured.

The Heroic Romance:
  This is when we empathise with the character through what they have been through like the Thiller Se7en, Detective Mills is seen as the protagonist. Even though the audience's first impressions of him didn't seem to be different compared to our feeling with the other characters like Detective Sommerset as he is just a police officer, we have seen how he's reacted with these murders and his point of view of the murderer so when we see his reaction to the murder of his wife, we empathise with him as we know how much he loved her and the audience want to know whether he'll decided to kill the murderer or not for revenge.

The Exotic:
  When something is different to what is normally there and doesn't fit into the plot at some point. For example, a character has changed their location from living in the countryside to living in the city, like Detective Mills' wife, Tracey, in the film Seven. She gives the audience the impression that she doesn't fit in with the new lifestyle and left alone all day in the flat, creating the sense of isolation and being ignored. She doesn't seem to fit into the plot until she is murdered at the end of the film.