Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Section 12: Analysis Of Completed Thriller

Narrative structure:
Our thriller has a psychological showing, you don't see anything happening to the people the antagonist has killed, the audience are left wondering what has happened or what is going to happen. No dialogue has been used in our scene, only music. Our antagonist is portrayde with a hidden identity. Our protagonst is portrayde with a stressed personality.

Codes And Conventions:
The question and answer model- We have used partial vision in our thriller because you can not see the antagonist's face due to being hidden with a mask. This makes the audience wonder who the killer is. The map with the faces on will make the audience wonder who they are and what the killler has done/is planning to do to them.

The transformed city- We filmed our thriller in a garage.This is an extrodinary setting because it is the set where the antagonist is planning to kill. The last set is an urban setting. It is a quick shot of the protagonist.

Mazes and labyrinths- When the antagonist is getting to work on their killing plan, we zoom the camera in on the map showing all the faces. When the antagonist stands up to put another face on the map, the camera then zooms in on that picture, revealing who the protagonist is.

Concealment and protraction- The identity of the antagonist is completley hidden due to the mask used.

The heroic romance- Our antagonist has a past of physical abuse from her boyfriend and being fired from doing the job she loved most. Her past sends her insane and therefore plans for revenge for anyone who made her life miserable.

Sound: We had piano music playing through out the whole scene creating a tense atmosphere and an airy air feeling to it.

Mise en scene:
We had a long black cloak, a mask, a map with people's faces stuck on to it, steel toe cap boots and a table with equipment which the antagonist used to get to work. We had no light at first, but then the back light came on behind the antagonist.

Section 11: Audience Feed Back

We got some people to watch our thriller. They commented on things they liked. They seemed to like the way we did our lighting and the way we presented music. We also got some comments on what we could improve,such as showing more emotion in the characters and making the antagonist more mysterious in the face. Over all people were very impressed with out thriller and wanted to see more.